Phases in a DevSecOps agile cycle

A general DevSecOps lifecycle can be outlined with key activities integrated into an Agile development framework. Here's a broad overview:

  1. Plan and Design: This phase involves planning the development process, including security considerations. Security requirements are identified, and threat modeling may be performed to anticipate potential risks.
  2. Develop: During this phase, developers write code, adhering to secure coding practices. Security tools may be integrated into the development environment for continuous code analysis.
  3. Commit and Build: Code changes are committed to version control, triggering automated builds. Security testing, such as static code analysis, is conducted as part of the build process to catch vulnerabilities early.
  4. Test: This phase involves a range of testing activities, including dynamic application security testing (DAST), penetration testing, and other security assessments. The goal is to identify and remediate vulnerabilities before moving further in the development pipeline.
  5. Deploy: The deployment phase involves pushing the code changes into production or staging environments. Security controls, such as environment configuration checks and secure deployment practices, are implemented.
  6. Operate: In the operational phase, the application is actively monitored, and security controls are continuously assessed. This includes activities such as certificate management, access control monitoring, and ongoing vulnerability assessments.
  7. Monitor and Respond: Continuous monitoring of security events and incidents is essential. Any security incidents are detected, analyzed, and responded to promptly. This phase includes incident response and, if needed, the application of security patches or updates.
  8. Feedback and Improve: Feedback loops are crucial for continuous improvement. Teams collect feedback from each phase, including incidents, and use it to refine their processes. Security practices are iteratively improved to enhance the overall security posture.

It's important to note that the exact phases and their order may vary depending on the specific DevSecOps implementation within an organization. The integration of security practices throughout the entire development lifecycle is a key principle, emphasizing collaboration and automation to achieve a more secure and efficient software delivery process.


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